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2 min read
Letter to the Therapist with Harmonious Compatibility
Dear Therapist, I want to express my deep gratitude for creating a safe space for me through therapy. Whether it was in-person, when I...

2 min read
Unveiling the Beauty Within Borderline Personality Disorder: A Journey of Transformation
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a multifaceted mental health condition characterized by intense emotions and challenges in...

1 min read
Loneliness : a part of healing
Loneliness may continue to exist when you find a partner, companion, buddy and in any relationship. It’s the process of connecting with...

1 min read
Untold parts of healing
As a practising therapist, when I reflect on this year, I know I learned something beautiful - knowing the sun was shining even when I...

2 min read
Woman, Who?
“My mother folded hands to you on our wedding & my father asked you to forgive my mistakes, that’s when I failed.” The more you allow...
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